Water Main Replacements Planned in Southeastern Section of Hicksville
Hicksville, NY (May 10, 2016) – The Hicksville Water District Board of Commissioners announced Monday May 9, 2016, during a meeting held at the Hicksville Community Center, a plan to replace approximately four miles of water mains, fire hydrants and valves in the southeastern section of Hicksville. The project will be performed in four separate phases over the next four years, with Phase 1 beginning in summer 2016.
Chairman Nicholas J. Brigandi, Secretary Bill Schuckmann and Treasurer Karl Schweitzer, along with Superintendent Anthony Iannone and the District’s engineer John Collins, Project Engineer at H2M architects + engineers, held a presentation to provide the community with information about what to expect throughout the Water Main Replacement Project.
“The current water main pipes have reached the end of their lifecycle after decades of service,” said Chairman Brigandi. “Due to excessive breaks in the lines, it would be costly to keep repairing the infrastructure. We have worked tirelessly to ensure this project has minimal impact on our community members.”
The current cast iron water mains, installed in the late 1940’s and 1950’s after WWII, will be replaced with state-of-the-art, cement-lined, ductile iron. The project will save the District on costly and disruptive repairs. Cement lining in pipes provides a barrier between the water and the pipe, reducing susceptibility to corrosion and leaks.
“We are committed to overseeing that our customers are provided with up-to-date information throughout the process of the main replacements,” said Commissioner Schuckmann. “The crews will be out there working hard to provide an improved infrastructure for our community. This means they may need to temporarily turn off water service; however, we will make every effort to let customers know 24 hours in advance if we foresee there will be any loss of service or driveway access at their residence.”
For more information on the Hicksville Water District, please visit www.hicksvillewater.org or add the District on Facebook at facebook.com/HicksvilleWaterDistrict.