Your Bill Explained

If you have questions about your bill, be sure to contact the water district before the due date. One of the many functions of the Hicksville Water District’s office staff is to provide you with the answer. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for assistance through email, phone or by dropping by our administrative office for a prompt reply. Please be sure to have your account number available, which can be located in the upper right hand side of the bill.

Q: When can I expect my next meter reading?
A: The projected meter reading date is located on the right side of the invoice, under “ Total Amount Due”. The District makes every effort to read your meter on the proposed date but there might be a delay do to unforeseen events.

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Q: When are the water bills due?
A: All bills have a due date which is located on the top right hand portion of the bill. To avoid late payment charges, your payment must be received before that date.

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Q: Do you accept payments over the telephone?
A: No, payments cannot be made over the phone at this time.  Payments can be mailed to: PO Box 9064, Hicksville, NY 11801 or you may pay your bill at our office located at 4 Dean St, Hicksville between the hours of 8AM to 4PM, Monday through Friday.  For your convenience, there is a drop box located within the main gate.  It is accessible during normal business hours. To insure that your payment is applied properly, please write your account number on the face of the check or money order.

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Q: How often will I receive a water bill?
A: Your meter is read and a bill is issued based on that reading on a quarterly basis.

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Q: Will I receive a bill if I used no water?
A: Even if no water was used during a quarterly period, a minimum charge bill will be rendered.

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Q: Why didn’t I receive a bill?
A: Bills are issued every three months (quarterly). It is indicated on your bill when you will be read next and within that month after being read, a bill is issued.  If you don’t receive a bill within 35 days of your meter being read, contact the office at 516-931-0184 or email us at [email protected] and we will be happy to send out a replacement invoice.

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Q: What is the average bill?
A: Each consumer’s usage is determined by difference variables including the number of people living in the home and their use of water. The way the lawns are watered and other uses of water.  For these reasons, we are unable to give a meaningful average. Additionally, water consumption typically changes from season to season.

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Q: Why is this bill higher than the last bill I received?
A: Many factors can contribute to fluctuations in your water bill.
Extreme weather conditions such as a drought or heavy rainfall the previous year can be a factor. Additionally, water consumption typically changes from one season to the next. For an accurate comparison, examine bills from corresponding periods of previous years, while considering rainfall recorded.

An increase in the number of people living in the residence can be a factor. Another culprit could be a leak. Dripping faucets inside and outside are obvious sources, but look for other less visible signs as well. Listen for hissing noises around the toilet, which could indicate a shut-off valve is leaking. The underground sprinkler system is another area to check. Leaks can add up. For example, a hole that’s 1/16″ wide can leak as much as 74,000 gallons of water in 90 days. See our “Do it Yourself” section

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Q: I am selling my house. What do I need to do to close out my account with the Hicksville Water District?
A: Call the office at (516) 931-0184 with the following information:

1) Account #
2) Service Address
3) Seller’s Name
4) Seller’s Attorney’s Name, Phone Number, Fax Number and Address
5) Seller’s Forwarding Address
6) Purchaser’s Name
7) Purchaser’s Attorney’s Name and Phone Number and Fax Number
8) Provide closing date

An appointment will be made for a final meter reading and inspection, for which there is a $25 service charge.

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Q: How do I have my water service turned on?
A: Hicksville Water District customers should call (516) 931-0184 to inquire about the situation. There may be a minimal charge and fees are associated with new, non-existing service. As soon as all requirements are met, service will be turned on. If a house is being sold, it is rare that the water would be turned off.

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Q: Who is responsible for the repair of water service lines?
A: The water service line and equipment belongs to the property owners and shall be maintained at their expense.

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Q: Why do I have to pay for water that results from a leak?
A: Consumers of the Hicksville Water District are responsible for all the water that passes through their meters including the water lost by a the water lost by leaks. Moreover, in the event a service line is leaking before the meter, the district may estimate the cost of water that is not metered.

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My Bill

Pay Your Bill

Your Bill Explained

Billing Questions