Water Treatment Plant Set to Come Online Soon
After three years of planning, construction and testing, the Hicksville Water District (HWD) is proud to announce that its Plant 8 treatment facility, which represents a more than $14.1 million investment into the community’s drinking water treatment infrastructure, has received a full endorsement by the Nassau County Department of Health to return online. The plant, which was taken offline in October of 2021, now includes two Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) treatment systems and four Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) filters which are needed to remove 1,4-dioxane, PFOA and PFOS. With Plant 8 operational, the District now has 14 active supply wells with advanced treatment for emerging contaminants, which is among the highest number for all water providers in Nassau County.
“There is nothing more important to us at the Hicksville Water District than providing our community with safe, high-quality drinking water,” said HWD Chairman Karl Schweitzer. “The completion of these treatment systems at Plant 8 allows us access to the use of two more wells from which we can draw water and distribute to our residents. This helps to alleviate stress on the rest of our infrastructure and ensure more efficient water service to residents’ homes.”
The installation of AOP and GAC systems at Plant 8 will ensure that every drop of water that residents receive in their homes continues to be below the maximum contaminant levels of all federal and state regulations. The HWD has aggressively pursued the purchase and installation of these treatment systems since before regulations were passed, with Plant 8 being just the latest in a long line of successful projects. The District has invested a total of $70 million for all projects related to emerging contaminants, more than half of which has been paid for by state grant funding. New York State provided the HWD with more than $7.1 million in grant funding for the Plant 8 project alone, greatly reducing the impact it would have on residents’ wallets.

With new systems in place to treat emerging contaminants, the Hicksville Water District’s Plant 8 water treatment facility has received full governmental endorsement to begin distributing water to residents.