Your Bill Explained
Use the letters below to identify parts of existing bill. Informative and comprehensive, your Hicksville Water District bill is designed to give consumers a clear view of their water usage and responsibilities. Here is a simple overview for your convenience.
A. Address to which the bill is mailed.
B. Service address is the location of the property which receives the water. Addresses A & B are often the same– but not always.
C. Account number.
D. Shows the billing period (four months).
E. The date the bill is mailed from the district.
F. The date payment must be received in the district office to avoid penalty.
G. Compares the readings on the meter at the beginning and the end of the billing period.
H. The gallons of water used during the four month billing period.
I. This column indicates codes for specific types of charges.
Billing Codes
1 Actual Reading
2 Estimated Reading
3 Customer Reading
4 Quarterly Bill Used as Final Bill
5 Water Sales Debit Adjustment
6 Water Sales Credit Adjustment
7 Final Bill
20 Manually Estimated Bill
37 Final Used as Quarterly Bill
39 Backflow Inspection Test
J. The total amount to be paid is the sum of K and L which are:
K. Past due amounts for previous billing periods and
L. Amount owed for the current period.
M. You will find valuable information under the “notice” section. For example: Payment must be received by due date or a 6% penalty will be assessed.
N. Perforated area where top section detaches for inclusion with payment.
O. This area is used for important consumer messages from the water district.
Current Water Rates
Consumption (gallons) Up to 10,000 11,000 – 26,000 27,000 – 46,000 47,000 – 66,000 Over 67,000 |
Charges $12.00 minimum $1.30/thousand gallons $1.70/thousand gallons $2.40/thousand gallons $3.20/thousand gallons |